ELG News and Updates 2022-2023
July 2023: ELG client, Sierra Canyon HS catcher Kehden Hettiger, agrees to a $400,000 signing bonus, plus four years of college tuition to be reimbursed, with the Philadelphia Philles.
June 2023: ELG assists, and is chief advisor, in the negotiations for the multi-million dollar sale of local roofing company to venture capital consortium.
May 2023: ELG obtains complete dismissal, with a waiver of costs, for client sued by landlord who initially caimed damages in excess of $500,000.
February 2023: ELG is co-counsel on $275,000 peronal injury settlement.
December 2022: ELG assists partners in the purchase and re-branding of Chronic Tacos, Laguna Niguel.
August 2022: ELG assists, and is chief advisor, in the negotiations for the lease of Board and Brew's first franchise in South Bay of Los Angeles.
July 2022: ELG obtains policy limits settlement of $100,000 for injured passenger in a vehicle.